Hi 👋, I'm Sam

I make delightful apps. From time to time I work on video and photo projects too.


A beautiful, interactive periodic table, fuilt from the ground-up for students, teachers, and enthusiasts. Available for iPhone, iPad and Apple TV.
A nonprofit social networking app to connect people to the places, organizations and friends they love. Available for iPhone.
CarMax's flagship app for iPhone and iPad.
A nonprofit lesson evaluation and pedagogical study tool for educators and researchers, available for iPad.
Divergent impacts of warming weather on wildlife disease risk across climates
Research published in Science on how climate change appears to be provoking changes in the patterns and intensity of infectious diseases.
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Moving towards SwiftUI from UIKit: A SwiftUI Primer
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Achievement Git
This summer GitHub began rolling out achievements for all the public and private contributions you make. For each achievement you earn, you receive a small, beautifully animated, colorful badge on the left side of your profile. Find out how you can earn them all.