I made this website myself. Here's a run down on the software and hardware I've used to make it... if you're interested in that sort of thing 🙂.
This site is written using Node.js and Typescript. I recently rewrote the entire site using React and Next.js. I write web-related technologies, including this site, frontends, and backends in Nova. And, of course, for native apps I use Xcode.
I keep my site under git version control and manage it using (hands down the best git client available) Git Tower. You can download it and get 10% off Git Tower here.
I create color palettes using Coolors.co. I do most of my design prototyping in Figma.
This site is hosted on Netlify. My email is handled through Fastmail. You can sign up for Fastmail and get 10% off here.
I don't type on a fancy keyboard or have an Earth-shatteringly wonderful mouse (although if you have recommendations feel free to send them my way!). I do most of my work on an Intel MacBook Pro and an Apple Silicon Mac Mini. I drink a lot of espresso and frequently have a homemade iced latte from our Breville Bambino sitting atop a Joanne (album) coaster.
My desk lamp is an old projector that my father rewired and machined to work as a lamp! He's a photographer at UCF. You can check out some of his work here.
My mother helped me setup a bird feeder outside my window to watch while I work. It's a fantastic way to daydream... while also supporting our local ecosystem and providing a brief respite for weary migrators.