This site and its owner do not store your personal information in any way. However, this site does use certain external services that have their own privacy policies and methods of complying with applicable privacy regulations.
When you browse this site
- you won't see any ads.
- you won't be tracked through any first-party tracker.
- your device won't be fingerprinted.
- you won't be asked to hand over your personal information.
- you might see third-party embeds (such as YouTube videos, tweets from Twitter, etc) in some posts which might track you.
This site doesn't use any ad-networks, trackers, or technologies with specific intention for fingerprinting. The Media Queries for CSS media features are used to detect your preferences on the dark mode, text size and motion. These preferences are stored in the Local Storage which lives entirely on your browser.
YouTube embeds are used with autoplay turned off. The usage of YouTube is governed by Google Privacy & Terms.
This site is hosted on Netlify. Whenever you visit it, Netlify's general privacy policy applies.